Welcome to the SIRF News Page

Keeping pace with the seafood industry, SIRF maintains a robust calendar of funding cycles, donor events and research deliverables. Stay current with the latest SIRF news through our press releases, quarterly newsletters and research updates. SIRF strives to give its supporters a complete and timely view of its work. Learn how SIRF is using your donation to fund research that impacts business bottom lines and promotes growth within the seafood industry.

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Meet SIRF Board Member Ben Schwartz 

Meet Ben Schwartz, a shellfish aficionado, a road cyclist, a SIRF Board member and Director of Food Safety and Quality Assurance at Harbor Seafood Inc. Schwartz was confirmed to the seat in 2021, based on recommendations from the previous holder, Pete Cardone, and Schwartz’s former Quality Assurance mentor Stephen Thompson. Among the many wonderful attributes… Read more »